
Avocado Masks & Weedz

So... I decided after work, when we had already arrived at home that I wanted to go to Sanrio to look for a camera bag.  However... the main reason I went is because every now & then they have double stamp day which means if I buy $25 worth of crap I get $50 worth of stamps & if I so happened to be dumb & rich I'll spend $50 on crap & get $100 worth of stamps which is equivilant to 2 full stamp cards (makes me excited just talking about this).  I am saving my stamp cards which I forgot to allude in my last run on sentence.  I'm saving up for a Hello Kitty Boom Box actually which I'm hoping to get by the New Year.  With a total of 2 full stamp cards I am 7 away from 3 full cards, which brings me 1 closer to the 20 needed to recieve the boom box prize, what a dream I know ($1 every stamp).  Any way I didn't buy a camera bag but I did buy these 2 items :).  

The first one was impulse buy because the one we have is way cooler, it doesnt look as generic & it has a purple light to see your key & ignition.  The second one was regret.  I had already purchased a hello kitty compact buttttttt they came out with a special edition for the super hello kitty line.  Lame I know but I couldn't pass it up.  Its these little things that make me so happy.  I let my mom have my other one since there was really no use for 2 mirrors in my bag... any way on to the next subject. 

After Sanrio we decided to grab some food.  DO NOT EAT AT PEARLRIDGE PANDA EXPRESS.  It was so bad that I don't wanna eat Panda Express forever.  Ok enough negativity.

I went to Longs after to see if I could get some dope nail polish colors (which never happens because they never have electric blue or teal or a nice purple) but couldn't find any.  Surprise? No.  So I started feeling really bored with myself looking at all the hair stuff & facial products.  I thought... maybe I need to do something so I bought some VO5 Hot Oil & an avocado mud mask.  My hair turned out great...but.

I decided to ask Brandon to join me in a "mud masking-fiesta fiasco."  Long story short our faces are still a pale green.  Any way I decided to pick up some hours thus I have a nice 6 hour shift filled with little philly keikis running around asking me to baby sit them & nasty dirty whores walking around with hickys.  Welcome to Aiea.  Good night.

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