
Quarantine #2

Of course I get sick on Thanksgiving night, which means i'll be totally wasted on BLACK FRIDAY. Wonderful? Any way Yesterday wasn't that bad, I felt sick but not as sick as I do today. I was behind the register for my whole shift, which wasn't so bad either cause I had a great team helping me, hopefully they felt the same about me.

I'm sick today though & feel like complete shit. Expect no pictures & no good news from me today. To start my day off my dog, of whom NEVER BARKS, starts barking repeatedly at the door at 6 in the morning. I figured she had to use the bathroom, but instead she just smelt evil outside it was our neighbor. I despise him. I don't work today which is great so I think I'll just stay home & watch John & Kate + 8 all day. Maybe google a bunch of hairstyles cause I hate my hair & then probably not cut it because I don't have money. How about that?

This is my sick diet.  Screw crackers & pepsi.


Happy Thanxgivin'

Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving :) Please do not deep fry any Turkeys today, ok?
If you do "Please use extreme caution." & make sure your turkey fryer is certified.  HAHAHA!



"Mele Kalikimaka"
Green Chalk + Peace = Green Peace!!!!!

Multi-colored Phalanges 

I found an old box of chalk I used for an art project & decided to use them today :).

The day isn't done yet, so expect a rant about putting out stock.  ARGH :) 

Work Overload

Ugh. Is. Right.  Worked all day today, doing stock.  I'm so tired and can't sleep.
I'm not even hungry any more.  I liked working with everyone today but it was
just so tiring & tedious.  Since 10 o'clock I've been checking in stock, making
tags, sticking tags, censoring, hanging & merchandising.  My fingers are raw
and my thumbs feel like they're going to fall off.

I'm actually off tomorrow but am going in at 6 to finish all the stock so we 
don't have to come in on Thanksgiving night to do things.  Any way.............
Expect some good pictures tomorrow.  I'm off. :)


Can I Just Say...


Any way.  I'm really excited about Thanksgiving.  I keep the mental note that it's only three more days.  I really feel like crap today.  I found some vodka on our fridge & managed to find some weird as POM juice.  WTF.  Well that what's for dinner.  have a good Monday.  OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder I'm having a bad day, it's a Monday?!?!?! Ugh.  


I hate side profiles.  Brandon took this one & told me to put it up cause he liked it.  I guess it's an alright picture?

I really like this one.  Weird?

Went in to work tonight till about 10.  It was VERY productive.  Any way.  Tomorrow is another day of work, which is also going to be SUPER productive.  We've got so much things to do, it's almost Sanksgiving! AHHHHHH.  Any way.

BYE. :)





It's pouring here.  I'm updating because I'm extremely bored.  I work tonight, were having an art show at the shop, so expect some pictures.  I'm actually excited to work.  I actually do work on art show days though, other workers may not.  Any way i'll update later w. more pictures of rain & people & art.



Flash Flood

I'm so bored.  I'm SOOO bored I actually checked the HD station to see if the fricken Yule Log was on T.V. yet, lame huh?  

It's about to pour, I can feel the electricity in the air.  Making me excited actually, not sure why.

Were having an art show tomorrow so those of you who read my blog, because fuck theres gotta be at least 10 people reading it they way the numbers are going, please head to P-type.  If possible, it'll be a good one.  

I'm hungry.  I bought a Caesar salad I'm so happy that I saved it for now, I'm STARVING.

Brandon is criticizing my Pancakes.  I'm tired of this.  PANCAKES ARE THE ONLY FUCKING THING I CANNOT COOK. Fool? YES.  Any way I decided to take Brandon to a "Seal" training class for his birthday at Sea Life Park, I really hope he doesn't look at this cause it's a surprise.  So any way.  Thats what's on for next next week.  

Can someone tell me where the best gyoza is on the Earth?  I don't like ginger in mine, so be on the look out.  Nah nevermind you probably won't understand.

(for reference if none of this shit makes sense I'm inhibited) 


: |

Instead of getting those ears for $6 I got them for $1.50.



Yeti?? No COREY?!
I like how all the trees here are in a straight row, not in this picture but at this place
I love my vans, they're my favorite


Stop the Biters

can't you rip someone else's shit off???


Happy Birthday Kelly!

First I end up at Ho'omaluhia, then we finally wind up in "Nalo," hah (never thought I'd ever say the word "Nalo").  Today was a pretty relaxing day, played badminton, listening to Montell Jordan & building a GIANT wall for a GIANT fortress we built & nasty ass haole kids broke down.  Fuckers.  Any way took some pictures today :)
One of my favorite little kids.  Travis :) Hes SOOOOO CUTE.  :)
our giant fortress that took us 2 hours to build & 5 minutes to break down, damn haole kids.  I build the wall around it.
the playground mirage
Hes soooo cute :) he got caked :( he was totally pissed too
Bellows, first time there & I liked it, super quiet.  No mokes, no BET playing on the radio & no irritations.


Why does it seem like when nothing's going right, everything seems to be going terribly wrong.  Sometimes I ask my self "are things really going to be ok???"  Seriously?  Man sometimes I just can't dig myself out of these ruts I fall into.  But in the end... everything is ok.  I never thought today would ever come.  I'm actually having an ok day.  Aside from waking up from a one & a half hour sleep abruptly from the trash man & waking up remembering I got "drunk" and left my life/bag at UH leaving my makeup less & wallet-less, I did have a remarkably good day :).  My eye is now burning due to the fact that something is inhabiting its inner lid.  So I'm going to go. 


Quarantine Zone..

I'm finally SICK.  My body hurts, I can't breathe & my face feels like someone dropped a brick on it.  GREAT.

Yesterday was great.  My cat goes missing, Brandon breaks my favorite sunglasses, they don't have the flavor of ice cream I want, AFTER THEY LET ME SAMPLE IT!, I get sick after we come home, I lit my bangs on fire & I was too tired to eat because of the Nyquil.

The cat came home, thank Jaysus.


Blah, Blah. Blah?

I've been enjoying my self.  Knocking into people, attending baby showers & eating Filipino blood pork & most definitely going to meetings.  Oh yes.  My days are filled with joy.  HAHA.  Today went to work early 10-4 & ended up going to Mililani to smoke.  Now I feel sick.  Bought my mom & dad some knives & a new dish drain.  Enjoy the pictures.
I decided to use some auto focus while I sat in 1 hour traffic from home-mills.  Boredoom, complete & total boredom.
Then... we get stuck behind a giant concrete pouring thing, which makes me uncomfortable.  
We finally get to the house & John pops out of the closet, John is one of thee funniest kids on the Earth hah.  He's just funny.
Brandon.  Wouldn't hold still.  What's new???

I like this one for some reason.  That picture the only vertical one in view by B.'s head is me. :) I sorta helped Jared (Brandon's cousin) with his photo project(s).

Any way.  Today was fun.  I'm waiting for John & Kate to start at 12.  Brandon & I are going to send a question into them.  We'd like to know how they met.  Were weird. 

I have Wednesday & Thursday off this week, unless Wes doesn't show on Wed.  But I kinda wanted to do something.  Not sure what, maybe go to town to check things out.  We'll see.  

In other news it's almost Thanksgiving, great!  I was thinking about Christmas & I'm actually getting excited.

Alright.  I'm done.


El Nino.

It was super cold earlier this morning, which is why I am still in my sweats.  However the sun just came up & now my room is on fire.  Any way I'm actually excited to work today, no specific reason, but I am.  I haven't posted a picture in a while so heres one from the other day.  We went to Waikele.  I wish I could post a picture of the Gucci shoes but its on B's phone.  Any way enjoy.


Avocado Masks & Weedz

So... I decided after work, when we had already arrived at home that I wanted to go to Sanrio to look for a camera bag.  However... the main reason I went is because every now & then they have double stamp day which means if I buy $25 worth of crap I get $50 worth of stamps & if I so happened to be dumb & rich I'll spend $50 on crap & get $100 worth of stamps which is equivilant to 2 full stamp cards (makes me excited just talking about this).  I am saving my stamp cards which I forgot to allude in my last run on sentence.  I'm saving up for a Hello Kitty Boom Box actually which I'm hoping to get by the New Year.  With a total of 2 full stamp cards I am 7 away from 3 full cards, which brings me 1 closer to the 20 needed to recieve the boom box prize, what a dream I know ($1 every stamp).  Any way I didn't buy a camera bag but I did buy these 2 items :).  

The first one was impulse buy because the one we have is way cooler, it doesnt look as generic & it has a purple light to see your key & ignition.  The second one was regret.  I had already purchased a hello kitty compact buttttttt they came out with a special edition for the super hello kitty line.  Lame I know but I couldn't pass it up.  Its these little things that make me so happy.  I let my mom have my other one since there was really no use for 2 mirrors in my bag... any way on to the next subject. 

After Sanrio we decided to grab some food.  DO NOT EAT AT PEARLRIDGE PANDA EXPRESS.  It was so bad that I don't wanna eat Panda Express forever.  Ok enough negativity.

I went to Longs after to see if I could get some dope nail polish colors (which never happens because they never have electric blue or teal or a nice purple) but couldn't find any.  Surprise? No.  So I started feeling really bored with myself looking at all the hair stuff & facial products.  I thought... maybe I need to do something so I bought some VO5 Hot Oil & an avocado mud mask.  My hair turned out great...but.

I decided to ask Brandon to join me in a "mud masking-fiesta fiasco."  Long story short our faces are still a pale green.  Any way I decided to pick up some hours thus I have a nice 6 hour shift filled with little philly keikis running around asking me to baby sit them & nasty dirty whores walking around with hickys.  Welcome to Aiea.  Good night.


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